
Antibiotics Shown to Impair Memory, Stop Growth of New Brain Cells

by in Video January 4, 2017

A new study has shown us something gut-wrenching about antibiotics. Antibiotics are strong enough to kill off gut bacteria and have also been able to halt the growth of new brain cells!

This pertains to brain cells located in the hippocampus which is a region of the brain responsible for our memory. In this recent study, researchers gave mice enough antibiotics to almost destroy every last one of their intestinal microbes. When these mice were compared to the control mice those who lost their healthy bacteria performed much worse in memory tests. The production of new brain cells stopped within the hippocampus.

During this time the team also noticed a lower level of white blood cells in the brain, blood, and bone marrow of these mice. This resulted in the team coming up with the conclusion that mice with low Ly6Chi were also displaying the same memory issues as the mice from the beginning of the study. Luckily these side effects can be reversed at least when it comes to mice. When the mice from the study we’re given a wheel to exercise on and probiotics they regained their memory. This alone should be reason enough to lay off of the antibiotics unless deemed necessary. We are putting ourselves at risk of antibiotic-resistant superbugs as well as memory loss.

When the mice from the study we’re given a wheel to exercise on and probiotics they regained their memory. This alone should be reason enough to lay off of the antibiotics unless deemed necessary. We are putting ourselves at risk of antibiotic-resistant superbugs as well as memory loss. When dealing with minor infections always try to go the natural route. For information on natural antibiotics please watch the videos below.