
China Is Making Rice From Plastic, Here’s How To Identify It

by in Environment, Food, Health November 28, 2016

We all know large food manufacturing companies alter many of the food’s on the grocery store shelves, but China has recently taken it much too far. They have been exposed in marketing plastic as rice. Here is how to tell the difference.

The toxic synthetic rice is made from sweet potatoes, potatoes, and synthetic resin, (plastic). The end result actually looks and taste like rice with the addition of fragrance spray. Your taste buds might not be able to tell a difference, but your body definitely will. The rice is incredibly toxic. According to one Chinese official, eating three bowls of this “man-made” rice is equivalent to eating a plastic bag…

One way to tell is to see if the rice sinks or swims in a glass of water. Sit one tablespoon of the rice in a glass of water and observe. If the rice sinks, it is most likely organic rice. However, if it floats, it is more than likely plastic. Cook up a cup of rice, then put it in a container and leave it on the counter for a few days. If you notice mold forming, you’re looking at real rice. If mold does not form within a few days, you’re looking at plastic rice.

Obviously consuming plastic rice is going to have some dangerous effects on your body. But, what are they? Research has found potentially serious health risks associated with bisphenol A, and a class of chemicals called phthalates, commonly found in plastics. Bisphenol A has the ability to disrupt the functions of our hormones, particularly estrogen. It has been linked to effects on reproductive development in several animal studies.

Always be sure to be cautious when consuming imported rice. Try the different tests to make sure it is authentic! Hopefully, the production of this toxic rice will be eliminated, but in the meantime, be cautious!