
A Natural Bowel and Liver Cleaner: Remove Pounds of Toxins From Your Body in Just 1 Week!

by in Health, Natural Cures April 23, 2017

If you’re looking to increase your overall health, quality of life, and mood, you should definitely start by cleansing the most important parts of the body – the colon and the liver. These organs are responsible for cleaning out all the bad stuff and if they’re not performing correctly, you can experience a world of health effects.

These organs are responsible for cleaning out all the bad stuff and if they’re not performing correctly, you can experience a world of health effects.

The colon is crucial to your overall health. It is also known as the larger intestines, or bowels. Being part of the digestive tract, it is responsible for sorting the differences between nutrients we need and the garbage we need to get rid of. With all the artificial ingredients and genetically modified foods, it’s job has increasingly gotten harder. If you want to improve your overall health, you’re going to want to start by detoxing the liver and the colon.

Just like the colon, the liver is extremely important in removing the toxins from your body. The liver detoxifies chemicals and metabolizes drugs. Without the liver, we’d be screwed. It also makes the essential proteins and enzymes that are necessary for breaking down food and fighting diseases. These two organs are essential in a healthy body. If you want to improve your overall health, you have to start with these two. That’s why this detoxifying remedy is the one for you.

The ingredients in this recipe are known for boosting the immune system, metabolism, and the endocrine system. It detoxifies your entire body, but it especially works wonders on the liver and the colon. It can prevent digestive diseases, remove water retention, and it is even packed full of vitamins and nutrients. You’ll never feel better. Here’s the recipe!

  • ½ a cup of fresh apple juice
  • 2 tablespoons of lime juice
  • 1 teaspoon of ginger juice
  • ½ a teaspoon of sea salt
  • ½ a glass of filtered water

Boil the water first and leave it to cool down a bit, then add the salt and stir until it dissolves. Next, add the apple juice, lemon, and ginger and take the mixture 3 times a day (before breakfast, lunch and before going to bed). Repeat the process every day for a week to keep your colon clean and healthy.