
12 Foods that are Often Mistaken for Being Unhealthy, But Aren’t

by in Food August 25, 2017

With a rising obesity epidemic in the United States of America, there has been an increased focus on the foods that we are eating each and every day. As scientists invest time and money into in-depth studies, examining the foods that are often found on our table, their findings can surprise and shock us.

These studies often go viral, reaching thousands of people through the power of the Internet.

There are times, however, where their findings may not be entirely accurate. It could be that there was a small error in the way that the study was completed, or that science as a whole has evolved since the study, providing new methods of testing that, in turn, provide different results. With this ever-changing information, it is hard to keep track of what foods really are good for us, and which we should be avoiding!

Here are 12 foods that are often mistaken for being unhealthy, however they really aren’t!

  1. Coffee

Despite the many negative health claims associated with coffee, many of us wouldn’t be caught facing the day without it! Good news – researchers have now found that coffee has been associated with lowered occurrences of type-2 diabetes and an increased risk of certain cancers.


  1. Avocados

Once believed to be highly fattening, and as such a poor nutritional choice, science has now developed a better understanding of the difference between good fats and bad fats, and the way each can impact the body. Avocados are an example of a good fat, and experts now say that it can lower cholesterol and improve vascular health, as well as possessing powerful anti-inflammatory properties.


  1. Margarine

We all remember when the articles began to circulate the internet, pointing at the dangers of margarine, encouraging everyone to choose the fats of butter over the ‘questionable’ chemical makeup of this product. Harvard researchers are now pointing us in a different direction, showing that choosing margarine over butter will reduce the risk of heart disease.


  1. Eggs

Eggs first received a bad reputation a long time ago, with experts warning us about the fact that they are loaded with fat and can be responsible for drastically raising our cholesterol levels. New research, however, tells us a very different story! Eggs are incredibly nutritious, packed with a number of nutrients including vitamins D and B12, riboflavin and folate.


  1. Whole Milk

For years dieticians and nutritionist were pointing us towards skim milk and non-dairy milk options, citing the fat content in whole milk. New information shows that full-fat dairy can help to lower obesity rates compared to those who consume low-fat dairy options.


  1. Chocolate

While many women will point to chocolate as a go-to ‘comfort food,’ it is an accepted fact that this sweet treat definitely belongs in the ‘unhealthy’ category of our meal plans. New evidence, however, has shown that chocolate, especially dark chocolate, possesses a number of health benefits. In fact, research has found that eating chocolate can lead to a lower body-mass index!


  1. Potatoes

Potatoes have long been seen as nothing more than a source of unhealthy starches, however, new research has shown that we weren’t previously getting the whole story! Potatoes are packed with vitamin C, with a single medium-sized potato containing nearly half of the recommended daily intake!


  1. Nuts

While often included in baking efforts and trail mix type snacks, experts have long warned us about the high-fat content in nuts, warning us to eat them in moderation. Similar to avocados, a better understanding of good versus bad fats has changed the opinion on nuts, full of the good fats. It is important to note that some nuts contain more health benefits than others. Almonds, for example, are loaded with flavonoids, protecting us against heart disease.


  1. Salt

We grew up hearing stories about the dangers of eating too much salt. Our parents did their best to scare us away from adding salt to our food for fear of the long-term health ramifications. New studies outline the importance of salt in order to prevent dehydration, promote healthy, functioning cells and allow for the proper transmission of nerve impulses in the body.


  1. Peanut Butter

Once shoved to the back of the shelf for being high in fat, and incredibly high in calories, new studies show that adding peanut butter to your diet on a regular basis can help to lower the risk of developing type-2 diabetes.


  1. Coconut Oil

Once seen as unhealthy due to its high saturated fat content, coconut oil is now taking the world by storm, with different studies and articles finding countless uses and benefits for coconut oil in our day to day lives. One such study explains how coconut oil can boost HDL cholesterol, which is the good cholesterol in the body.


  1. Popcorn

The difficulty in classifying popcorn as either healthy or unhealthy is that it is highly dependant on the many different types of popcorn. Holding up to its bad reputation, movie-theatre popcorn is covered in high-calorie artificial butter, however choosing air-popped corn has been proven to be a healthy snack choice!