
These Five Herbs Will Get Rid Of Sciatic Nerve Pain for Good

by in Natural Cures August 24, 2017

Sciatica pain is some of the most persistent pain you can experience, and it can really take a toll on your daily life. However, these 5 herbs are essential to get real relief.

Sciatica pain is often described as leg pain, numbness, or tingling. The pain is typically described as a consistent shooting pain down one or both legs. The pain radiates from your tailbone and lower-back all the way down to the tips of your toes sometimes. It can make it extremely difficult to sleep at night time. You can try and ignore the pain all you want to, but it hardly ever goes away – making it impossible to fall asleep. In the modern day society we are known to continually take the road most traveled, and in this case, we all take medications to temporarily alleviate symptoms. The harm drugs inflict on your body is not worth a few hours of reduced pain.

Instead, use these herbs! They are all natural and extremely potent. They can be used to relieve your pain and reduce inflammation of the sciatic nerve, reducing not only your pain – but the cause of it. They are much safer than taking over the counter drugs or even worse, prescription pain medication. Give them a try! I promise you won’t be disappointed!


Chamomile is an extremely popular herb in Indian and other Eastern countries. It can treat a variety of medical issues and it is a potent antiinflammatory. It contains bisabolol, a pain reliever that soothes the sciatic nerve directly! It’s tasty in tea too.

Cauda Equina

 This herbal plant is commonly referred to as horsetail. It contains a mineral known as silica, which is a strong pain reliever. It directly reduces inflammation in the joints, muscles, and spine. You can even rub over the painful areas with its essential oil to relieve pain!

St. John’s Wort

 Although it doesn’t sound so appetizing, this herb is extremely effective for sciatic pain. It contains anti inflammatory and analgesic properties that relieve pain significantly. It also contains tons of flavonoids and hyperforin.


 Wintergreen is a nose comforting scent and an exclusive neuromuscular pain relieving herb. Ait can be applied to stiff and swollen sciatic nerve areas. The oil is absorbed into the skin and it reduces inflammation and eases the compressed muscles and tissues around the sciatic nerve.

Jamaican Dogwood

 Speaking of neuromuscular pain relievers, we can’t forget the Jamaican dogwood. Jamaican dogwood is a powerful herb that can open up your sciatic nerve and completely alleviate all pain you might be experiencing. There is little known on this herb so it is not recommended to take it without a professional advising you to.