
Science Journal Confirms Eating Turmeric Cured Myeloma Cancer in 67-Year-Old Woman

by in Natural Cures August 3, 2017

Cancer is such a serious disease that it should be called a plaque of nations. It has destroyed the lives of millions, but research shows that it’s chemotherapy that kills people, not cancer. However, one study confirmed that we could skip chemotherapy using turmeric!

Dieneke Ferguson had undergone three rounds of chemotherapy and four stem cell transplants. If you are familiar with chemotherapy and cancer treatment, you should be well aware that this amount is excessive, and it had to have a tremendous effect on her body. After all of this, Dieneke still found herself sick and weak. She had been told that she had exhausted every single option, and was basically left to die by doctors. They must’ve made thousands off of her, no wonder they didn’t need her anymore. A sad story, that is found to be too often true.

Dieneke told the Daily Mail,  “Nothing worked: there was just too much cancer….there was nothing else I could do.” However, she refused to believe what the doctors were telling her. She instead sought alternative treatment using the active ingredient in turmeric, known as curcumin. The polyphenol has been keeping her alive and well for the last five years! Her story will be featured in an upcoming British Medical Study.

Dieneke was first diagnosed with myeloma in 2007. Multiple Myeloma is cancer formed by malignant plasma cells originally found in bone borrow. These cells are crucial to the immune system. Unlike most cancers, myeloma does not form tumors. It is the least understood type of cancer because it only makes up for about 2% of cancer cases. Patients are told that if they are lucky, they might have five years left to live because there is no known cure. However, after the loss in all of her chemotherapy battles, she decided to try curcumin. Curcumin was brought to her attention by a group of internet supporters.

She began taking eight grams of curcumin per day in tablet form. This is about two teaspoons of curcumin per day. After just 15 months she noticed a considerable difference in her overall health – and even doctors saw a difference. Oncologists saw that her plasma blood levels were almost normal!

Jamie Cavenagh, professor of blood diseases at London’s Barts Hospital, who reviewed Ferguson’s case, was bemused. “When you review her chart, there’s no alternative explanation [for her recovery] other than we’re seeing a response to curcumin,” he said.

Ferguson said she will continue to take her supplements. She reports herself as happy, healthy, and enjoying a “high-quality life.”