
13 Problems That Bananas Solve Better Than Pills

by in Natural Cures July 9, 2017

There are many different natural ingredients that are known to replace common medications. You just have to use the right ones, like bananas for example.

There are many different reasons as to why you should be treating yourself naturally and not taking medications. Modern day medicine is a money scheme that causes more problems than they fix. It might temporarily cure something in one part of your boy, but it will also cause another problem somewhere else. Drugs like Tylenol and Ibuprofen have been linked to major medical issues like heart disease, cancer, and even diabetes. They not only cause more pain in the long run, they cause disease too.

Natural ingredients are the only way to heal yourself and actually promote health in another part of your body. When you treat your sore throat using honey and lemon, you might also experience a boost of energy. It’s always a win-win, and bananas are one of the best natural ingredients out there.

Bananas can be used to treat so many different health issues. They have been proven to treat many different diseases, disorders, and infections. Bananas can also treat minor problems such as sore muscles! 

If you get really sore after a workout you might not have a sufficient amount of magnesium in your diet. Bananas are packed full of magnesium and they can replenish it. They promote overall relaxation as well as protein synthesis; they also boost lipolysis, a process in which your body releases fat from its stores.

One amazing method used to consume bananas is banana tea! Banana tea is the perfect way to boost your magnesium levels. All you have to do is cut both ends of the banana off, leave peel on, and boil for 7-10 minutes. Afterwards just drain it and enjoy! It is best to drink before bed because it is so soothing, tastes amazing and can make you lose up to 10 pounds.

Bananas are also packed full of potassium; potassium is essential for good health! If you don’t consume enough potassium you will experience a world of side effects like dehydration, aches, pains, and cardiac issues. Other studies have shown that bananas can even help relieve stress!

Bananas boost vitamin b9 and they contain tryptophan a stress relieving chemical. “a precursor for serotonin,” says Cassie Bjork, RD, LD of Healthy Simple Life, “and serotonin may be the most important brain chemical because is a natural antidepressant and can treat, anxiety and insomnia, as well as other mood issues such as fatigue, irritability, agitation, anger, and aggression. Bananas also have norepinephrine, which regulates our ‘fight or flight response,’ which helps to regulate stress. They’re an optimal, natural, real-food way to promote positive moods and help to prevent depression,” she continues. “Good thing we don’t need a prescription!”

Bananas are just flat out great. If you aren’t a fan of the texture, try blending them into a smoothie. You could even include strawberries and blueberries for added benefits! Here are

10 other things bananas treat better than pills!

1.Banana is a very good source of energy as it gives energy instantly after eating it due to this lot of athletes use this more.

2.Banana very helpful in reducing stress,it contains tryptophan amino acid which us to keeps our mood cool and happy.It also contain potassium and magnesium due to this it keeps people depression away.

3.Banana also have health benefits for heart patient,it also helpful for those patient who have high blood pressure because it contains high potassium and less salt.

4.By eating banana daily with milk it increase our memory power.

5.It also helpful for anemia patient as banana contains lot of iron which increase hemoglobin level of our blood.

6.Banana also help our body to keep imbalance hormone balanced.

7.Banana keep pregnant women sugar level balanced which remove their morning sickness.

8.Due to its high nutrition value its control our acidity, Dr. said that banana made lubricant layer in stomach which reduce the cause of ulcer in body.

9.It contains vitamins-6 which keep our blood glucose level in control manner

10.As It is also a main source of fiber,due to this eating banana at morning reduce the constipation.