
The Painkilling Cayenne Cream Remedy That Anyone With Stiff Joints or Sore Muscles Needs to Try

by in Health, Natural Cures, Pain Management June 11, 2017

This is one remedy you will have to see to believe. It will have you feeling so much better in very little to no time!

This remedy works so well because its main ingredient is Cayenne. Cayenne works wonders on muscle pain and cramps of all sorts because of the capsaicin in it. It is also really good at reducing inflammation. By using this remedy and working on a better more healthy lifestyle you will see results quickly.

The rub I am going to be telling you how to make is one of my all time favorites. However, it is one you will need to remember to stay hydrated when using and make sure you are relaxed. We should make sure we are taking in enough water regardless so this should be relatively easy to do.

Cayenne Muscle and Joint Rub:


  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup beeswax
  • 4 teaspoons organic Cayenne powder
  • 2 teaspoons organic turmeric powder
  • 2 teaspoons organic Ginger powder
  • 20 drops peppermint essential oil
  • 8 oz. glass jar


  • Take a glass bowl and add in the coconut oil and beeswax.
  • Set this in a saucepan full of three inches of water (more if needed.)
  • Let the water simmer and mix occasionally.
  • Do this until everything is melted.
  • Add in the rest of the ingredients still mixing.
  • Once mixed well pour into the jar and let cool before sealing.
  • Apply directly to the affected areas. This rub should last about eight weeks.

Make sure to wash your hands after using this and remember that you should stay hydrated and relaxed when doing so. This should get rid of all of your aches and pains with ease. Let us know how it works for you! Enjoy!