
4 Natural Ways to Erase Brown Spots From Your Skin

by in Beauty June 9, 2017

Dark spots are one of the worst signs of aging to experience. They look bad, and they are pretty apparent. You’ve probably tried some of those expensive creams that didn’t do a thing at all, right? Well, besides the fact that it broke your wallet.

People have suffered from dark spots since human existence. This is not a new thing, and like always, mother nature has us covered from the beginning. All of those expensive creams, medications, and ointments are more than expensive – they’re actually bad for your body. They have chemicals in them that are never meant to be on your body, and can become addicting for your body.  This ensures that you will continue buying their product.

You never needed those pharmaceutical creams in the first place. Mother nature provides the best of all medications – and these 4 foods will transform your face. Whether you cut it up, mix it, or squash them, applying these foods to your face will unload a splendor of youthfulness. Just see for yourself. Why not, it’s extremely inexpensive!











Mix licorice powder and milk to make a paste. Rub it on affected areas, and rinse off with warm water after 30 minutes.



Mix sandalwood powder with lemon juice and rose water. Apply to your face every night for two weeks.

Red Lentils

 Soak lentils overnight. Grind them into a paste and mix with coconut oil and tomato paste. Wash off with warm water!


Mix Lemon Juice, raw honey, milk powder, and almond oil. Maintain the application on your face for 15 minutes before rinsing with warm water.