
The 4 Causes of Our Diseases According to Shamans

by in Health, Spirituality June 2, 2017

Shamans are simply real men and women who can get in touch with their state of higher consciousness. They are able to communicate in ways that are not possible without conditioning.

Shamans pay a lot of attention to the cause and effect when it comes to things in this life. We are more than aware that our bodies suffer transformations during our lives. The body can get sick from all sorts of things like accidents, viruses, and even things like cancer. From a shamanic point of view, these things are all just effects. When it comes to these things we should address the root causes.

There are only 4 basic causes of disease. These causes are not bacteria or viruses but our internal state of which works as a hotbed for these things. For more on these 4 causes please pay close attention as you read further.

1. Losing Your Soul

Soul loss is a big thing whether we realize it or not. This could even be seen as the most serious of the three possibilities. This would be the one to cause the most life-threatening illnesses.

2. Chronic Fear

A person who is suffering from chronic fear is often something that leaves us vulnerable to disease. This is because fear kills our operating abilities.

3. Spiritual Intrusions and Possessing Spirits

This happens when a person is missing a guardian spirit. This leaves an opening in the body and comes from negative thoughts. Holding things in and not expressing our emotions can create these spiritual intrusions.

4. Disharmony

This happens when men lose a relationship that was important to them in life. For example when one of the two in the elderly couple passes this often happens. This disharmony makes us vulnerable to a host of things.