
3 Organic Pain Killers As Powerful As Drugs, Without The Side Effects

by in Health, Natural Cures May 31, 2017

We all experience pain from time to time. Whether it is achy legs or sciatica pain, aches and pains are no fun at all – and neither are pain medications.

Aches and pains are common, of course. However, we shouldn’t be treating them the way we do. Aches and pains can be caused by thousands of different reasons. Sometimes we have aches and pains for no reason – it’s just the human body. In the modern day, world businessmen and CEO’s have figured out how to benefit from our health ailments. We go to them for treatment, help, and a cure, but all they do is pump us full of drugs that make everything worse. It’s quite ridiculous because there are so many natural ingredients that relieve pain as a whole!

Prescription drugs are thought of to be the answer to all of our health issues, but they’re the opposite. Prescription pain relievers are extremely addictive, dangerous, and easy to overdose on. They are also super expensive and without a good insurance plan, you can expect to do without these medicines. However, you have no reason to fear. These medications are no good anyways, and the only way you’re going to effectively relieve yourself of pain is by doing it naturally.

3 Natural Pain Killers


Boswellia is an amazing natural remedy for pain. It works even better than NSAIDS or Ibuprofen. One of the best-studied areas of Boswellia is with osteoarthritis. In one double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study (i.e. gold standard),2 Indian researchers divided 60 participants with osteoarthritis in the knees into two groups. The first group received 100 mg of Aflapin®, a Boswellia serrata extract. The second group received a placebo. After 30 days, researchers found that those taking the Aflapin® had both clinically and statistically significant improvements in pain and physical function. Best of all, it worked within five days!


Turmeric is a natural ingredient that works for basically any health issue. It has been proclaimed for its medicinal benefits for thousands of years, and no wonder why. Several recent studies show that turmeric/curcumin has anti-inflammatory properties and modifies immune system responses. A 2006 study showed turmeric was more effective at preventing joint inflammation than reducing joint inflammation. To relieve pain by using turmeric, take a 400mg – 600mg capsule of turmeric three times a day! Your pain will slowly vanish!


This natural ingredient has been overlooked for years, but it has some of the most potent medicinal abilities. It has to ability to make you an athletic extraordinaire by reducing the amount of stress on your joints during sports, reducing inflammation, and increasing natural energy. After receiving astaxanthin for only eight weeks, RA sufferers showed a 35 percent improvement in pain levels, as well as a 40 percent improvement in their ability to perform daily activities, according to the Journal of American College of Nutrition.