
10 Signs Your Gut is Overloaded With Toxins

by in Health, Natural Cures May 26, 2017

Researchers have been discovering some surprising connections between the balance of bacteria in our guts, and almost every aspect of human health. These experts are all agreeing on one underlying message – If you can change your gut, you can change your health!

The question is, when your gut is speaking to you, do you know what it is trying to say?

Within your gut are over 100 trillion microorganisms, all of which play an important role in your overall health, however they are not all working for your benefit. Some of these bacteria are “good” gut bacteria, manufacturing the vitamins that your body requires, improving your digestion and strengthening your immune system. The rest, however, are “bad” gut bacteria. These microorganisms can cause mental problems, skin conditions, digestion nightmares and more!

gut health, gut bacteria, prebiotic, probiotic, microorganisms

The trick to making these bacteria work for you isn’t to remove all of them from your body, as the “good” bacteria are needed, it’s all about creating the necessary balance. You want to limit the “bad” gut bacteria and encourage the “good” gut bacteria to grow and thrive.

Your body communicates to you when your bacteria are out of balance, but are you listening? Watch for these 10 signs that you need to make a change:

  1. Behavioral or learning difficulties
  2. Mental Fog
  3. Depression
  4. Joint pain
  5. Intense cravings for sugary foods
  6. Allergies
  7. Acne, psoriasis, hives and eczema
  8. Digestive problems, such as bad breath, indigestion, bloating, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, irritable bowel
  9. Weight gain
  10. Recurrent yeast infections

Once you have learned how to listen to your body, you must learn how to fix the imbalance. While there are medicinal options, there are also several all natural options. While they are not major changes, they can have a significant impact on your overall health.

Avoid Consuming Flour and Sugar-Rich Foods

Organisms such as parasites, bacteria and yeast feed off foods that are rich in both sugar and refined carbohydrates. Limiting your consumption of these foods, therefore, will help your body to control and balance the various bacteria in your gut.


Prebiotics feed your healthy gut bacteria, helping them to thrive. They also contain inulin, arabinogalactans and fiber. If you are looking to pick up foods that are rich in prebiotics, some of your best options would be garlic, onions, asparagus, leeks, carrots, okra, artichokes and beans.


To encourage your gut bacteria balance, try adding probiotics, a healthy bacterium. Available in supplement form, they can be purchased either in a powder or in capsules. Probiotics can also be found in many naturally fermented foods such as yogurt, sauerkraut, kombucha, kimchi, kefir and pickled vegetables.

Anti-Microbial Supplements

Increasing your intake of both prebiotic and probiotic-rich foods isn’t enough to create a healthy balance of bacteria in your gut. You can help your body even further by destroying any pathogenic organisms with antimicrobial herbs and supplements. The most effective options include oregano, grapefruit seed extract, olive leaf extract, garlic, caprylic acid, berberine and uva ursi.