
Plantar Fasciitis Made Her Foot Hurt, But Now The Pain is Gone! Here is how

by in Health May 24, 2017

The American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons reports that approximately 2 million patients are treated for plantar fasciitis each year. The most common type of heel pain, it causes a stabbing pain in the hell of the foot with your first steps each morning.

What is Plantar Fasciitis?

Plantar fasciitis is a foot pain, specifically in the heel, that occurs when the planta fascia, or the tissue that connects the toes to the heel, becomes inflamed. The plantar fascia is designed to absorb the heavy strains that we put on our feet on a regular basis, however too much pressure damages the tissue. This damage triggers the body’s natural response to injury, inflammation.

Some triggers that may result in damage of the plantar fascia include:

  • Abnormal inward twisting or rolling of the foot
  • High arches
  • Flat feet
  • Tight calf muscles
  • Tight tendons at the back of the heel
  • Repetitive activities such as running, prolonged walking or standing
  • Wearing shoes that are poorly cushioned, don’t fit well or are worn out
  • Weight gain, physical condition, overall body weight relative to height
  • The natural process of aging
  • Pregnancy

While plantar fasciitis can be extremely painful, it can be treated! While surgery is required in a small number of cases, 95% of those treated are able to recover through the use of nonsurgical treatments. With so many treatment options available, it is hard to navigate all of the information that is available.

Dr. Donald DeFabio and his Proven Technique

plantar fasciitis, treatment, chiropractor

Dr. Donald DeFabio released a YouTube video describing the way in which he diagnoses cases of plantar fasciitis, as well as in-depth information about the treatment process that he uses.

The first step to proper treatment is to have your doctor provide you with a proper diagnosis. Dr. DeFabio explains how this is an interdisciplinary approach. He uses a tool called an intracell stick, which can be used safely by patients at home, in order to reduce inflammation and provide the patient with relief.

In the event that the intracell stick is not successful, he employs a technique called the Graston procedure, helping to drive blood to the patient’s food and in doing so, stimulate healing.

Regardless of which of these two approaches proves to be successful, Dr. DeFabio then moves to taping with two different types of tape. The purpose of the taping is to take the pressure off of the plantar fasciitis, allowing it to heal.

For further information, view Dr. DeFabio’s video: