
Put These Bug-Repelling Mason Jars Outside and You Will Not See a Mosquito All Summer

by in DIY, Environment, Health, Home May 17, 2017

Buddha says do not kill not even an ant, however, mosquitoes are the exception to that rule. They spread diseases, viruses, and can start epidemics, and are very annoying, to say the least. 

Store bought bug sprays contains chemicals that are harmful to people, like the chemical called DEET which can cause allergies, irritations, and even damage the nervous system. Natural alternatives for mosquitos repellents use citrus-based essential oils, as mosquitos are repelled by scent.  



Essential oils and citrus fruits are an excellent mosquito repellent. Here’s what you will need:

2 mason jars

10 drops of lemon eucalyptus essential oil

10 drops of citronella essential oil

One lemon, sliced

One lime, sliced

4 rosemary sprigs

Floating disc candles

Preparation: Add even amounts of lemon and lime slices to each jar and then put 2 sprigs of rosemary into each jar. Next, fill the jar with ¾ water and add 10 drops of the essential oils to a specific jar (don’t mix them). To activate them, just light a candle.

These DIY bug-repelling jars make a great addition to outdoor areas where you spend your summer nights.