
Doctors Warn People to Stop Using E-Cigs Because They Are Linked to A New Disease Popcorn Lung

by in Health, Video April 22, 2017

Lots of people have been on the fence about the safety of vaping. While it is marketed as a safer alternative to smoking real cigarettes, is it?

One study carried out by researchers at Harvard has shown an alarming link to a very serious lung disease. That meaning no they are not safer. This is cause for a deep sense of concern, to say the least. Popcorn lung is a severe form of bronchitis that is usually found in microwave popcorn factory workers, hence the name.

The reason behind this was the chemical known as Diacetyl which happens to be something used in most E-cigs today. It is important to pay attention to what you are feeling if you are an E-cig smoker you should be looking for things like Wheezing, dry cough, weight loss, fever, night sweats, and an abnormal shortness of breath.

The bronchial symptoms of POPCORN LUNG include:

  • Wheezing
  • Dry cough
  • Abnormal shortness of breath
  • Wheezing
  • Weight loss
  • Night sweats
  • Fever
  • Fatigue

Popcorn lung is irreversible and in most cases is life-threatening. Please take the time to watch the video below for more information. We should all be aware of what we are putting into our bodies.