
Why Is Lower Belly Fat (or Baby Belly) is so Hard to Get Rid of and How to Do It

by in Beauty, Health, Natural Cures April 17, 2017

Some of the hardest weight to lose is the lower tummy fat! It’s annoying, unflattering, and stubborn. Have you ever wondered why lower belly fat is so hard to get rid of? Well, I’m going to tell you why and how to get rid of it for good!

Lower belly fat is some of the hardest fat to get rid of. It forms deep in the abdominal cavity and between your organs! This fat is not only annoying and unflattering but also can get in the way of your body’s performance! It can trigger chronic inflammation and increases the risk of heart disease and diabetes. The lower belly fat that is between your organs is caused visceral fat and too much of it can even lead to cancer!

Cut The Calories

If you are looking to shed some of this lower belly fat, you’re going to need to cut your calorie intake. Avoid foods that are really sugary or high in saturated fats. You will additionally want to cut out soft drinks if you drink any at all. They are terrible for your overall health and they contribute to lower belly fat extremely.

Green Tea

Green tea is amazing for cutting out the lower belly fat because it contains catechin, a compound that is known to boost the metabolism. There have been any studies performed on the effects of green tea on weight loss. They concluded that people who drank 2 cups of green tea on a daily basis lost almost 16 times more visceral fat than those who did not.

Establish a sleep schedule

When you are getting the adequate amount of sleep everything in your body will perform better. Rest is extremely necessary for so many different reasons. Establishing a sleep schedule will not only make you feel great, but it will also stimulate your metabolism and increase a number of calories burned throughout the day.

Avoid Alcohol

Alcohol is one of the biggest contributors to lower belly fat and visceral fat. Alcohol contains 7 calories per gram. Consuming 2-3 drinks a day can add up to over 400 calories extra than your regular daily caloric intake. It also impairs the liver which interferes with your metabolism to break down fat.

Visceral fat looks unflattering and it stands in the way of your body’s performance. It’s time to kick lower belly fat out for good – and do it naturally. If you follow these guidelines and exercises you will definitely be able to kiss that baby belly goodbye.