
The Diet That Starves Cancer, Reverses Diabetes, and Makes You Lose Weight Fast

by in Health, Natural Cures April 16, 2017

There is one deadly disease that has plagued the public today; it has claimed millions of lives, dollars, and lifetimes of time. As we get farther down the road we are seeing that they way we’re treating cancer is obviously not the right approach, however, one doctor might have figured it all out.

There are so many foreign substances in our environment that we can’t properly identify which ones might be causing health issues. New studies show that cancer can be caused by a diet full of sugar. Research has even shown that reducing the amount of sugar you take in can also reduce your chances of acquiring cancer. The study was performed at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

“We determined that it was specifically fructose, in table sugar and high-fructose corn syrup, ubiquitous within our food system, which was responsible for facilitating lung metastasis and 12-HETE production in breast tumors,” co-author Dr. Lorenzo Cohen, professor of Palliative, Rehabilitation, and Integrative Medicine, said.

According to the study, a diet that is high in sugar can greatly contribute to the progression and overall chances of getting cancer. Lead researcher, Fred Hatfield is shockingly suffering from malicious cancer when he discovered this news. He goes on to explain how it is insane that it took medical science this long to figure out that sugar causes cancer.

According to his study, one can simply lower their chances of acquiring cancer simply by eating healthier. Switching to a ketogenic diet can dramatically increase your chances of survival, according to the study. A ketogenic diet consists of a diet that is low carbs and high in fat. This type of diet has known benefits when it comes to treating not only cancer, but diabetes, Alzheimer’s, dementia, and epilepsy!

The modern day cancer treatments are nothing but ineffective. Cancer patients are loaded with expensive and poisonous drugs and chemicals, and for what? To have slowly declining health for the rest of your life and in return, you MIGHT beat your cancer. If you’re trying chemotherapy, you’re killing more healthy cells than cancer cells. In the particular situation, your body is relying on those last healthy cells – killing them might be detrimental to one’s health.

If you’re looking adjust your diet, which everyone should, you should first start by eliminating sodas. Soda uses all kinds of ingredients that are bad for you, but the primary ingredient in questioning is High fructose Corn Syrup. HFCS has been linked to cancer in several different instances too. If you’re looking to do everything you can to beat cancer naturally, cutting out sugar will greatly benefit your fight. Good luck to all!