
10 Habits You Need to Adopt Today to Stop Dementia or Alzheimer’s Before it Starts

by in Health, Video March 24, 2017

Dementia is a term we use to describe a number of memory loss or cognitive issue related illnesses. These illnesses cause lots of damage to ourselves and those around us.

The most common form of dementia is known as Alzheimer’s disease, however, there are four main forms of dementia total. The other three being vascular dementia, Parkinson’s disease, and Huntington’s disease. Dementia is something that has symptoms including things like depression, difficulty remembering things (events, names, conversations, etc.) and apathy.

We can control our dementia risk factors to an extent. Dementia can be caused by things like head injuries, low physical activity, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, diabetes, poor diet, vitamin deficiency, and impaired thyroid function. Sure, in some cases dementia is unavoidable and there are causes that we can do nothing about however when it comes to reducing your risks these are things you should definitely do.

Ways to Lower Your Risks of Dementia:

1. Be social

Take a walk with a friend or call your family on the phone. This will help tremendously.

2. Control your alcohol intake

Excess use of alcohol can increase your risks of developing dementia. You should pace yourself and control your alcohol intake to prevent it.

3. Keep up with your weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol levels.

You need to have a healthy body will help your mind as well. One of the main predictors of dementia is your cardiovascular and metabolic health.

4. Challenge your brain sometimes

Learn a new language, do crossword puzzles, play sudoku do anything that will make you think. If you challenge your brain you can delay memory decline by at least two years.

5. Avoid head injuries

Wear a helmet when you ride a bike, Always make sure your head is protected when it needs to be. This will protect you from head injuries and brain damage. Pay attention, it will benefit you greatly.

6. Be active

Strengthen your vascular system, this will boost blood flow and have you preventing numerous chronic health issues. You don’t have to spend hours on an intense workout, just thirty minutes a day will make a difference.

7. Quit smoking

Smoking causes a large amount of damage to the body as is, according to several studies daily smokers have a much higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s than non-smokers. There are several serious health issues that can be caused by smoking, please stop.

8. Vitamin B

Increase your intake of this, it reduces your levels of a molecule known as homocysteine which damages the vascular system. When you have levels of this molecule that are too high your chances of a stroke, heart disease, or other vascular issues go up drastically.

9. Vitamin D

There is a link between vitamin D and cognitive decline. The use of vitamin D supplements will prevent the processes that contribute to dementia. Of course, the sun is your best source of vitamin D but supplements come in handy.

10. Don’t stress so much

Studies have linked Alzheimer’s with stress, especially in people who are already at risk of developing it in the first place. Take time to relax and always think things through, unnecessary stress could cause something terrible.

For more information on how to prevent dementia please take the time to watch the video below. When it comes to dementia we need to protect ourselves. Losing our memory means losing ourselves.