
How to Take Apple Cider Vinegar to Lose Weight and Reduce High Blood Pressure

by in Health, Natural Cures, Video March 4, 2017

Every 40 seconds a person loses their life to heart disease in the United States. This is a very serious threat that can be provoked by things like high blood pressure and high cholesterol.

When it comes to preventing heart disease and lowering your risks of having a stroke or a heart attack you will need to reduce your cholesterol levels and regulate your blood pressure as needed. In order to do this, you will need to maintain a proper diet and a healthy lifestyle. Of course, on top of all that you can try this extremely beneficial mixture.

This mixture is so beneficial because of the things that go into it. These ingredients are mostly anti-inflammatories as well as antioxidants. To make things even better these are not things you will have to order offline, they can be found in your household on most occasions and if not they will be available at you local grocery store. These five ingredients will make your life much better.

HBP and Cholesterol Remedy



  • Using an electric mixer mix all of these ingredients together.
  • Blend them until you get a smooth texture.
  • Add this mixture into a clean jar and place it in your fridge.
  • Consume one teaspoon before eating each meal for the day.

This is one of the simplest mixtures I have come across and quite possibly one of the most effective. It is extremely helpful when it comes to reducing your cholesterol and keeping your high blood pressure in check. Only stop consuming this mixture when you are satisfied with the results you have attained.

If you do not like the way this mixture tastes please do not hesitate to add a little water, add it into a small smoothie, or have it in juice. This will make it much easier to deal with and you will still be getting all of the benefits. For information on heart disease and a few tips on reducing blood pressure and cholesterol in a healthy way please take the time to watch the videos below.