
The Most Powerful Herb that Destroys Strep, Herpes, Candida and Flu Virus

by in Natural Cures February 22, 2017

Tired of having a sore throat every time that it is cold outside? What about those annoying cold sores on the corners of your mouth? If you are, you’re not the only one. Thankfully, this magical herb will solve all those issues and more!

Cold sores are unattractive and painful! They keep you from even being able to open your mouth without terrible pain. Like cold sores, strep throat, candida, and the flu virus are all horrible things to experience. They are too common in today’s nature too, and that is why the human body could use a little extra boost when it comes to the immune system.

So what is this magically medicinal herb? Thyme! Thyme has been used for its medicinal properties for centuries! In ancient Egypt, thyme was used for embalming. Not that were dead or trying to embalm anything, I’m just trying to stress the fact that it has been sued for hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. The Romans practiced using Thyme on curing anxious or shy people. One study has suggested that thymol can reduce bacterial resistance to common drugs such as penicillin.

Thyme has tons of medicinal benefits that can be taken advantage of by any modern day citizen. It can be used to fight bacterial infections and reduce high blood pressure! A team of researchers who were studying antimicrobial activity of essential oils also studied thyme oil. They reported that the thyme oil showed potential as a natural preservative of food products. They also said that it could be used to combat several food borne illnesses.

Likewise, researchers at the University of Belgrade in Serbia, they found that an extract of thyme oil obtained from wild thyme reduced blood pressure in tests on rats. Interestingly, rats seem to have similar responses when it comes to tests regarding cardiovascular medications. If you suffer from strep throat commonly, thyme is the herb for you. It has antiseptic and antibiotic properties that can significantly boost your immune system in fighting off this sickness. It is also great for any an other cough and cold sickness! Thyme is virtually geat for everything, and everyone should incorporate it into their daily diets!