
Researches Discover the Vegan “Holy Grail” – A Sea Plant That Tastes Like Bacon, More Nutritious Than Kale

by in Environment, Food February 5, 2017

Would you eat algae that tastes like bacon? Sure, it sounds gross but is it?

This strain of seaweed can provide a much-needed solution to some of out most pressing issues. Oregon State University has cultivated a strain of red marine algae. This strain has researchers and some vegans very excited. This seaweed itself grows along both the Pacific and Atlantic coastlines and is called dulse. However, dulse itself is a bit different than this new strain. This new strain has been developed in order to be farmed. It will be opening so many doors.

Dulse is said to be a nutritional powerhouse. It is packed with protein, minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. It is so abundant in these things that it is said to be two times more beneficial than kale itself.

The strangest thing about this strain of algae (and dulse in general) is that when it is fried it tastes like bacon. This could help people who are already vegan or wish to become vegan by giving them an overly nutritious morning meal ingredient that is a bit more accessible than dulse that was not farmed. Seaweed farming appears to be the next big wave coming in. It may actually be able to do some good in the world because seaweed has the ability to take up nutrients in the water that would otherwise harm marine ecosystems.

Because seaweed has the ability to take up nutrients in the water that would otherwise harm marine ecosystems. It can provide the world with something we have not been doing up until recently. We can get rid of some of the things that are harming marine life, why would we not?

Seaweed farms can thrive in problematic waters. They will be able to help get rid of ocean acidification from excess carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well as other things. This and others like it could be exactly what we need to clean our oceans up.

Would you try dulse? This superfood could be is packed with just about everything you would need. For more information on farming dulse please watch the video below. Big things are in the works.