
Put A Glass Of Water With Grain Salt, and Vinegar In Any Part Of Your House. After 24 Hours, You’ll Be Very Surprised!

by in Health January 19, 2017

Nobody wants negative energies in their home. Negative energies can cause many different side effects including illness and mood changes. If you put a glass of water, salt, and vinegar in any part of your house you will be surprised!

Energy is everywhere and in everything, there is a form of energy. It follows the path of least resistance. So wherever you focus your thoughts energy follows it. It is the emotion that we put behind those thoughts that drive the energy. It is very important to have positive energy in your home!

When your energy is down, you feel “bad” and when it is up, you feel “good.” Even if you are someone who is not practically aware of your energy, there have likely been times when you have just felt that a person, place or thing has “bad energy”. You know, that creepy or uneasy feeling you get when you are around them or it. On the other hand, you have also probably come across some people, places or things that simply make you feel great. From a very basic scientific standpoint, everything in this world, including you, is just a big ball of energy that vibrates at different frequencies, thus determining what you see or perceive in a physical form.

This method has shown to be helpful in many different situations. All you need to do is put salt, little vinegar, and water in the glass. The glass should be placed in the room where you spend the most of your time, but where it can’t be seen. Leave the glass there for one whole day and night. After sometime check out the salt and his action, if the level only rose or the water overflew.


  • 1 glass of water
  • White vinegar
  • Granulated salt
  • Water


According to this method, which has shown to be helpful in many cases, you need to put salt, little vinegar and water in the glass. The glass should be placed in the room where you spend the most of your time, but where it can’t be seen. Leave the glass there for one whole day and night. After some time check out the salt and his action, if the level only rose or the water overflew. After the time of 1 day take the glass and wash it well with water. If you are still feeling the negative energy around you, repeat the procedure until the salt stops rising.