
How to Remove Moles, Warts, Blackheads, Skin tags, and Age Spots Completely Naturally

by in Health, Natural Cures January 14, 2017

One of the most annoying things in the world are pesky warts and skin tags! They pop up out of nowhere, and they don’t look too flattering either. Instead of using toxic chemical based solutions, use this natural remedy to get rid of those skin tags and warts!

Warts occur when the virus comes in contact with your skin and causes an infection. Warts are more likely to develop on the broken skin, such as picked hangnails or areas nicked by shaving, because the virus is able to enter the top layer of skin through scratches or cuts. Certain people are more prone to getting warts than others! That is an interesting discovery, especially since dermatologists and other skin experts aren’t sure what causes this.


Warts are contagious too. You can get warts from touching a wart on someone else’s body, or by coming in contact with something someone’s wart has also come in contact with; such as bed sheets or a cell phone. You can also spread warts to different parts of your own body! It is important not to pick at your warts and to wash your hands promptly and thoroughly any time you touch one of your warts. If you have warts in an area where you shave, keep in mind that shaving over the wart could transfer the virus to the razor and then spread it to other areas of your body.

Now that we have gone over warts, it brings us to our next issue: Skin tags! Skin tags are very common and very annoying! Despite how annoying skin tags are, they are harmless. They tend to take place around the eyelids, armpits, groin folds, and under breasts. Someone may have 1-100 skin tags on their body! Skin tags are more common in middle-aged obese people.

Skin tags are common, acquired benign skin growths that look like a small, soft balloons of hanging skin. Skin tags are harmless growths that can vary in number from one to hundreds. It is likely that every person in the world will have at least one skin tag at some point in their life. They are extremely common. Males and females are equally prone to skin tags, but like I said before, obesity severely increases the risk of gaining a skin tag or two. They are bits of darkly pigmented or flesh-colored tissue that grows outside the surrounding skin. Sometimes, skin tags will spontaneously fall off. Despite this, most skin tags continue to persist. They may even grow larger or multiply.


It is important to stay away from OTC wart and skin tag removing medications. They can be extremely toxic for your skin and contain many unnatural ingredients! The toxic chemicals in the wart remover can be absorbed into the skin and dissolved into the bloodstream! This can cause many adverse health effects like kidney problems, liver issues, and other infections. Side effects of liquid wart remover include difficulty breathing, dryness and peeling of the skin, fainting, and hives or itching. Instead of using these dangerous Pharma products, use this natural remedy instead.

According to the Mayo Clinic, Age spots are caused primarily by years of exposure to ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. The use of commercial tanning lamps and tanning beds can also contribute to the development of age spots. The pigment in the upper layer of skin (epidermis) that gives your skin its normal color is called melanin. UV light accelerates the production of melanin, creating a tan that helps protect deeper layers of skin from UV rays.

I know blackheads are kind of fun to pop, but that isn’t the correct way to handle them. Popping blackheads exposes sensitive areas of your skin to bacteria. This exposure of bacteria can cause the blackhead to become infected!

Blackheads are small bumps that appear on your skin due to clogged hair follicles. These bumps are called “blackheads” because the surface looks dark or black. Blackheads are a mild type of acne that usually form on the face, but they can also appear on the back, chest, neck, arms, and shoulders. Acne affects 40 to 50 million Americans and is the most common skin disorder in the United States, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD).


Fresh Garlic – Crush a clove of garlic, apply it on the wart, and cover it up with a bandage. Leave it alone for up to thirty minutes and then thoroughly wash the wart. Repeat this twice daily for at least one week or until the wart blisters and falls off.

Vitamin C: Crush a few vitamin C tablets in a dish with less than a teaspoon of water. Mix the powder and liquid together to create a paste. Rub the paste over your wart and protect it with a bandage. The vitamin’s high acidity may cause a burning sensation, but it will quickly go away. Repeat daily.


Castor Oil and Baking Soda – Mix a pinch of baking soda with a few castor oil drops and rub it over your mole. Let it dry naturally for a few hours and repeat this twice a day for a month.

Pineapple Juice – This method does not remove your mole(s). Instead, the juice lightens the pigment. Soak a little cotton ball in pineapple juice and tape it over the mole. Do this at least twice daily for at least two weeks.

Skin Tags:

Apple Cider Vinegar: Saturate a cotton ball in apple cider vinegar and rub your skin tag with it gently. You may feel a stinging sensation but only for a few minutes. Tape the cotton ball over your skin tag and leave it for up to four hours. Repeat this three times daily, and the tags should be gone or start to go away within two to four weeks.

Tea Tree Oil –  Dampen a cotton ball with water and then apply to it four drops of tea tree oil. Massage your skin tag using the cotton ball and wait up to three hours before cleaning it off. Repeat this three times daily, and after a few weeks, you skin tag should fall off painlessly.


Cinnamon – Mix one teaspoon each of cinnamon powder and lemon juice. Apply the mixture to your face for about fifteen minutes, and then rinse it off.

Oatmeal – Prepare a bowl before you mix in a teaspoon of honey and juice from four tomatoes. Once you’ve mixed these ingredients into the oatmeal, scrub the paste into your face and then rinse it off after fifteen minutes. Repeat daily for healthy-looking skin.

Age Spots:

Rose-hip Essential Oil You can apply this oil to your age spots on its own or as part of your other skin care products. Make sure your skin is damp before applying a few drops of rose-hip to your age spots. Thoroughly massage it into your skin for one to two minutes. The antioxidants it contains will help reduce age spots (especially brown ones).

Geranium Oil – Similar to rose-hip, geranium oil also contains antioxidants that help to reduce age spots. Whether you prefer olive or coconut oil, mix one teaspoon of either with five drops of geranium oil. Before bed, massage the essential oil blend into your face with attention to your age spots.