
Little Girl Defeats Arthritis & Lupus by Removing These 3 Things From Her Diet!

by in Home January 12, 2017

If you are one of the many Americans that are suffering from arthritis or lupus, then this is good news for you. This little girl was cured of her arthritis and lupus from eliminating these 3 things from her diet.

Isabelle, a 10-year-old girl, suffers from an autoimmune disease, classified as a mixed connective tissue disease. This was when Dr. Mark Hyman first saw her. The MCTD diagnosis includes rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, and other similar diseases with extremely debilitating side effects that can drastically reduce the quality of life. The disease is deemed to be incurable. The disease affected her entire body.

Due to the disease, Isabelle was unable to live the normal life of a 10-year-old girl. It isn’t a normal life for anyone, actually. It affected her blood vessels, white and red blood cells, liver, and muscles. Isabel came to him on steroids, aspirin, and acid blockers, and was chronically “tired and miserable,” writes the doctor in the Huffington Post.


For Isabelle’s treatment, doctors prescribed her a chemotherapy drug to suppress the activity of her immune system daily. All of the medications did no good at all. They actually made things worse, considering their horrible side effects. her former doctors wanted to put her on a TNF-alpha blocker – an immunosuppressant that while may reduce some symptoms adds a great risk of cancer and death from the infection.

Dr. Hyman had a different plan for Isabelle. He devised up a specific diet treatment plan for her. He specifically listed foods for her to avoid. He found that the root cause of her issue was inflammation in her body.

Isabelle was instructed to avoid gluten, sugar, and dairy. She had to take supplements to cleanse the body to let it heal itself. Very soon she was once again “completely healthy,” writes the doctor in a 2015 blog post, sharing Isabel’s story with his audience.