
Breaking: Outspoken Vaccine Skeptic, RFK Jr. to Head Federal ‘Vaccine Commission’

by in Video January 12, 2017

Robert F. Kennedy Jr is known for his skepticism when it comes to the safety of vaccines. It is said he will chair the presidential commission to make sure that we have “scientific integrity in the vaccine process for efficacy and safety effects.”

Kennedy met with Trump Tuesday and in his interview with USA Today mentioned that president-elect Trump had requested the meeting. In doing this it is clear Trump has ruffled some feathers so to speak. Kennedy insists that while his position may come as a surprise he is only there to ensure that these vaccines are “as safe as they can possibly be.” Kennedy has done his best to stay on topic and let it be known that the health, and safety of the public is his priority.

President-elect Trump is said to have told Kennedy he had some doubts about the current vaccine policies and wanted to get some science on them. As I am sure you are more than aware of vaccinations are a bitter topic for most people. Parents of autistic children have pegged vaccines as the cause of this condition as well as several studies. We can only hope something positive will come from this.

More research on vaccines will definitely be a good thing as long as information is not skewed. As Kennedy has said in the past “They can put anything they want in that vaccine and they have no accountability for it.” Could this be the possible beginning to accountability? This could be a big blow to big pharma, one we have been needing fo quite some time!