
Improve Your Posture and Get Rid of Back Pain with This Simple Exercise

by in Health, Natural Cures December 31, 2016

Everyone experiences back pain at one point or another. Back pain is the worst, and you might have it because of your bad posture! Read below to find out how to fix it!

There are many reasons to improve your posture. It is very important to the functioning of your body, and bad posture can have some serious side effects. Did you know, that you might be lying awake all night due to the immense back pain you experience! Back pain can make your entire day miserable. You should improve your posture because it can decrease the risk of back pain, poor circulation, and tightness in the chest. Proper posture helps digestion and many other processes that happen in the body. Improved posture can provide a clear mental state, enhance breathing, hormonal balances, and reduce stress!

Correcting your posture can significantly lower back and shoulder pain. It literally improves your overall health! Going to a chiropractor can be super expensive and you often find yourself there again within a week or two. However, there is a simple exercise that you can do to fix that posture! It’s super easy, effective, and not very time consuming. Better yet, it’s free!

The locust position has been practiced by yoga instructors and muscle physicians for decades. It can effectively correct your bad posture and relieve you of great pains. The exercise is a lying position exercise, so make sure you have plenty of room. Always stretch before exercising. Ask your doctor/chiropractor/physician if this exercise is safe for you to do.

Step By Step Instructions:

Step One – Lie face down on your stomach, with your forehead touching the floor.

Step Two – Extend your legs and spread them about hip-width apart. Be sure to equally distribute your weight on the tops of your feet.

Step Three – Lift your upper body with your head up as high as possible.

Step Four – As you raise your head up, breathe in slowly. Lift your hands and fingers as you breathe out. Be sure to have your hands close to your body and your palms are facing downward.

Final Step – Using your thigh muscles, raise your legs. Your weight need to rely on your pelvis, abdomen, and lower ribs. Do this exercise about 5 to 10 times a day. Remain in the position for up to 60 seconds. You will strengthen your legs, torso, and back. Strengthening all these muscles can significantly improve your posture, You should notice results in about a week’s time.