
Take This Juice For 7 Days and Forget About Belly Fat!

by in Health, Natural Cures December 27, 2016

It isn’t uncommon to want to lose a little belly fat these days! Almost everyone has some fat they want to lose, but losing it can be time consuming and expensive! Try this recipe for fast, inexpensive, and effective results!

In America, almost ⅔ of the population is overweight, while ⅓ of the US population is considered to be obese. You may not be obese, but you might still want to lose a few pounds. As humans, we need a certain amount of fat. It serves purposes like protecting our organs. To remain healthy, you need to have an average intake of fat. If you eat a 1600 calorie diet per day, it is recommended to ingest at least 36 to 62 grams of fat per day. If you eat a 2000 calorie diet per day, you need to be consuming about 44 to 78 grams of fat per day.

Like I said before, we need fat in our diet. According to the American Heart Association, dietary fats are essential to our bodies. They give you energy and support cell growth. Fats also protect your organs and helps your body stay warm. Additionally, fats help your body absorb nutrients and produce important hormones! But what kind of fat do we need? Which fats are bad? There are 4 different types of fat. Saturated fats, Trans fats, Monounsaturated fats, and polyunsaturated fats. The bad fats are known as saturated and trans fats. These fats are known to be solid at room temperature, while healthy fats are more liquid. This recipe can be handy in getting rid of bad fats too.

The recipe is a juice made up of several different fruits, vegetables, and spices. It includes pineapple, cucumber. And parsley. All of which are key natural ingredients to increase weight loss. Pineapples contain an enzyme called  Bromelain. It helps break down tissues in meat, which can also be used to breakdown fats, researchers think. It has not yet been proven. Cucumbers are a rich source of vitamins and minerals. They also contain lots of powerful antioxidants. They are known to increase weight loss due to their high continence of antioxidants and vitamins. This leads us to our next ingredient: Parsley. Parsley is a spice that contains vitamins that help with digestion. It is known to create a healthier metabolism. This recipe contains all the superhero like fat fighters! Here are the ingredients you will need:


  • Cucumber
  • 3 Pieces of Pineapple
  • Celery
  • 1 Cup of Parsley


Mix all ingredients well in a blender. Be sure to wash all the ingredients! Drink the beverage on an empty stomach every morning and watch the fat fall off!