
Stop Using Vaseline Immediately! 5 Reasons You Should Never Put Petroleum Jelly On Your Skin

by in Health December 27, 2016

Some of grandma’s oldest home remedies consisted of Vaseline! Vaseline has been around for years and has been used for tons of different things. But did you know it is actually horrible for your skin?

Yes, It is true. Petroleum Jelly, the active ingredient in Vaseline is harmful to your skin. Petroleum jelly is not only found in Vaseline, though. It can be found in many different beauty products, moisturizers, chapsticks, and more. Studies show that petroleum jelly can block your pores, causing you to harbor toxins, and preventing you from healing! Here are 5 reasons you shouldn’t be using Petroleum Jelly.

  1. Creates a Seal Over Your Skin

One reason to put down the Vaseline is because it creates a seal over your skin. It disrupts the body’s process of eliminating toxins through pores! It potentially traps toxins in under the skin. It keeps sweat, salts, and other products of human metabolism in the skin. Contrary to popular belief, putting petroleum jelly on wounds and burns is not a safe idea.

  2. False Sense of Comfort 

The second reason you should stop using products with petroleum jelly in it is because it creates a false sense of feeling of skin comfort and hydration. It is proven to be ineffective in treating skin conditions and serves no nutritional value. While the consistency of the product makes you feel like your skin is healthy, it is actually inflicting damage onto it.

   3. Slows Down Cellular Regeneration 

As if these aren’t enough reasons to stop using this product already, there are more. The third reason to stop using it is because it slows down cellular regeneration. Using these products on your face can induce a look of age on your skin. It reduces elasticity and damages collagen. It also damages the connective tissues in your skin!

    4. Difficult to Get Off 

Fourthly, It is used as a base for makeup concealers because it “stays on”. It is classified as a non-comedogenic, and it is oddly water proof. The product is also non-water soluble. This makes it extremely difficult to wash off of your face, A minimal daily application can cause a buildup of toxins in the pores. This causes acne breakouts and infections. It is most certainly not a product you want on your face.

    5. Dioxane 

Last, but not least, petroleum jelly contains 1.4 dioxane! This chemical is classified as a carcinogen, meaning that it can be cancer causing! We might have Petroleum Jelly to blame for the rapid increase in cases of cancer! This product is not safe for adults, and especially dangerous for children to use. This product needs to be banned. People have used it for years, there is no telling what there is to be blamed for it. Put it down for sure!