
The Reason Why You Should Never Keep Your Eggs in the Refrigerator-Something You Need to Know

by in Food December 24, 2016

More likely than not, you probably store your eggs in the refrigerator and have never thought of storing them any other way. However, you may be unknowingly handling your favorite breakfast food incorrectly.

Eggs are one of the most nutritionally rich foods that you can eat. Held inside it’s cracking shell is a plethora of valuable diet necessities including protein, and 18 vitamins and minerals. Due to their versatility and how easily they are prepared, it is likely that eggs are a staple in your home.

While almost all eggs are consumable, the most popular are the hen’s egg. Other available varieties include eggs from ducks, geese, and quail. Of course, they differentiate based on size, color, and flavors.

Most of us purchase our eggs by the dozen, if not in larger quantity, and because of this we keep them stored in the fridge or at room temperature. As of lately, people have begun debating the exact method for the storage of their eggs and to be more specific, whether to keep them in the fridge.

Across the world, different countries have different habits and with those habits come opinions. Most people who live in North America, Australia, or Japan keep their cooled in their household refrigerator. Other nations opt for room temperature storage.

According to the Journal of Food Protection, in order to remove the risk of Salmonella infection, eggs should be kept in cold temperatures. They state that salmonella is more prominent in eggs that are kept at room temperature. However, the National Public Radio says that eggs should not be kept in the fridge. They maintain that due to egg handling procedures in the U.S, refrigeration is unnecessary. Europeans vaccinate chickens against bacteria, and because of this refrigeration is actually unnecessary.

If your eggs are in fact infected with bacteria which would induce food poisoning, it would be impossible to tell in most cases, as the flavor is not affected. Oftentimes, the appearance and aroma aren’t either, so if your egg is infected with salmonella, it’s likely you won’t know until its too late. As of now, with so much conflicting information, you as a consumer will have to make the decision. To refrigerate, or not to refrigerate? Keep in mind that somethimes it is better to be cautious and prevent illness than to be negligent and suffer the consquence.