
Healing Benefits Of The Banana Flower

by in Food, Health, Video December 19, 2016

Did you know banana flowers were extremely beneficial to our health? Well, they are!

Banana flower also known as banana blossom should be something we include in our diet as often as possible. It comes from the banana tree as I am sure you assumed, and can work wonders for things like:

  • Healing ulcers
  • Healing anemia
  • Regulating your menstruation cycle
  • Reducing constipation issues
  • Lower hypertension issues
  • Improve kidney function
  • Strengthen your uterus
  •  Increase breast milk supply

So you see eating this ‘flower’ can improve your health on a major level. This flower has a dark purple-red blossom and has a quite bitter taste. It is rich in things like vitamin C and vitamin A. It is considered a vegetable and is known for pain reduction. The leaves from this ‘flower’ can be eaten raw or cooked depending on personal preference.

You can use this flower to cure infections as it is known to prevent the pathogenic growth of bacteria and potentially cure the wound as well. The banana flower is a good source of fiber and can work as an anti-depressant in some cases. You should definitely pick up some banana flower as soon as possible and add it into your diet. It can seem hard to prepare at times, but if you follow the recipes below you shouldn’t have much trouble at all, Enjoy!

Banana Flower Curry:


  • 4 tablespoons of whatever kind of oil you prefer
  • Mustard seeds
  • Sliced green chillies
  • Onions
  • Banana Flower
  • Salt
  • Hing
  • Curry leaves
  • Coriander
  • Turmeric
  • Water
  • Crushed coconut


  1. Put the oil, mustard seeds, chilies, and onions into a pan and fry them well.
  2. Add in the banana flower, salt, hing, curry leaves, coriander, and turmeric.
  3. Add water and stir then cover with a lid.
  4. Give it about 20 minutes and then add in the crushed coconut. Stir well
  5. Then allow it to cook for 20 more minutes and eat up!

For more recipes and information on banana flower please watch the videos below.