
Exercising Naked Is The Latest Fitness Trend

by in Health, Other December 10, 2016

Nude exercising appears to be making quite a comeback from ancient times. People all over the globe find it liberating in some way.

A nudist group called Naturist London hosts a popular Sunday Swim event at the University of London swimming pool. It requires no membership and consists of things like naked yoga, and naked swimming. Things like this are said to increase one’s self-esteem and promote body positivity.

The practice of naked yoga has been increasing in popularity for several years now. It is said people are offered more freedom when doing naked yoga and can get into a much deeper practice. Naked yoga appears to offer freedom from what negative feelings a person may have regarding their body.

Now, if you aren’t in the UK and wouldn’t feel comfortable working out naked in a group be it yoga, swimming, or something else there are several instructional DVD’s you can buy on how to. You could even begin by sleeping naked if you do not already. This will improve your quality of sleep and help your skin to be healthier. Being naked has actually been found to be beneficial whether you’re working out or not, more so when working out of course but still very beneficial.

If you happen to have a swimming pool a dip in wearing just your birthday suit might be long overdue. It amazes me how ‘taboo’ these types of things appear to be here in the United States in some places. Being comfortable and free in your own body is something you are entitled to. Do not let clothes hold you back.

Could this naked workout trend be something amazing? Sure it may sound a little iffy or embarrassing to think about from the beginning but you won’t know unless you try it. Wouldn’t you like to be more body positive? We are all beautiful.