
The Landmark John Hopkins Sulforaphane Cancer Study Your Doctor Isn’t Telling You About

by in Health, Natural Cures December 9, 2016

There are many different ways to prevent or reduce one’s risk of cancer as you may already know. However, there are actually legitimate scientific ways to keep cancer away.

Founding director of the Lewis B. and Doris Cullman Chemoprotection Center at the Johns Hopkins University School of medicine, Dr. Talalay is considered one of the top biomedical researchers in the world. He completed what was and is a groundbreaking study back in 1991. He maintained a focus on cancer prevention and how to do so through one’s diet. His study was the very first to isolate sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables as cancer prevention measures.

His study was the very first to isolate sulforaphane in cruciferous vegetables as cancer prevention measures. In his research the team he was leading fed broccoli sprout extracts to female rats for five days, They then exposed these rats as well as a control group to a carcinogen. The rats who received the extract developed fewer tumors than the rats that did not.

The rats that did develop tumors who had the extract also had tumors that did not grow anywhere near as quickly as those who did not have the extract. This study was actually rejected the first time Talalay attempted to publish his findings. It took one whole year of pushing to finally get the study published.

We should not waste any time, ingesting cruciferous vegetables could save our lives when it comes to cancer prevention. It is up to you to be proactive when it comes to your health and preventing illnesses like this. Adding more sulforaphane-rich foods to your diet could eventually save your life.