
Which Causes Cancer More Quickly: Cigarettes, Diet Soda, Or GMOs?

by in Food, Health December 5, 2016

People tend to think that smoking cigarettes which are filled with about seven thousand chemicals is the quickest way to get cancer, but is it? Could something as simple as diet soda be giving you cancer at a faster rate?

Could artificial sweeteners be causing breast and prostate cancer faster than any other consumable chemical-laced product on the market or could it be the GMOs? GMOs are genetically modified organisms that contain pesticides, pesticides that can kill just about any living thing. Not to mention there is no measurement on just how many GMOs are really in our food, drinks, and other things. Most foods labeled “diet” or “light” are toxic to us yet for some reason they are marketed as healthy and better for us. These products are generally carcinogenic and can cause cancer. Did you know that over fifty percent of people who get cancer die from it?

Most foods labeled “diet” or “light” are toxic to us yet for some reason they are marketed as healthy and better for us. These products are generally carcinogenic and can cause cancer. Did you know that over fifty percent of people who get cancer die from it?

Just who has more of a risk of getting cancer, diet soda drinkers, GMO eaters, or smokers? Cigarettes have been known for containing a large number of toxic chemicals. Containing things like ammonia, bleach, and pesticides does not sound appealing at all honestly.

There are many hazards when it comes to consuming ‘diet’ products. Aspartame, sucralose, and sorbitol are highly dangerous. Fake sugars are found in diet sodas across the nation and what these sweeteners do is fool your body into thinking it is real sugar. They trick your body and your body ingests them and tries to use them in the manner it would sugar. This is how your cells mutate and cancer comes about. By cutting all artificial sweeteners out of your life for just one whole week you will see a drastic improvement in your overall quality of life.

Aspartame itself counts for almost eighty percent of all complaints to the FDA about food toxin related side effects. So why do we keep allowing companies to use it? Because they have enough money to make our government do whatever they want.

As for GMOs did you know that many factory farm animals are fed things like GM corn their whole lives and ingesting pesticides the whole time since pesticides are overly used? The most common pesticide used RoundUp can cause increased tumors, premature death, and organ damage all the while being wrote off as safe.

It is safe to say when it comes to our health we should do our best to stay away from all three of these things. What is all boils down to is that they will all kill you and you should avoid them all. Why put something in your body that is going to give you a disease like cancer? Choosing the lesser of two evils is still choosing evil.