
Germany To Ban Combustible Engines By 2030 To Combat Climate Change

by in Environment, Other November 26, 2016

The effects of global climate change are here, and it is time to seriously take them into consideration. Countries across the globe are taking giant leaps to try and reverse the effects of it. The German parliament has voted to ban internal-combustion engines by the year 2030.

The resolution implores the EU Commission to ban the sale of new vehicles powered by gasoline or diesel internal-combustion engines starting in 2030. Previously sold vehicles that run on fossil fuels will still be allowed, but the law prohibits the production and sale of them in the future. The ban includes both gasoline and diesel engines. The auto industry is one of Germany’s top grossing industries. At the current 2016 Paris Auto Show  almost all of the German auto producers released electric vehicle (EVs) models.

In 1886, Carl Benz produced the first ever gasoline powered motor vehicle. Today his company is known as Mercedes-Benz. Mercedes have invested $1.1 million dollars into battery production. They plan to launch 10 new all-electric vehicles by 2025. They intend to release a new electric model to each of their series. BMW follows right behind with the release of their all-electric models, the i8 and the i3.

The German and European economy could likely take a hit from this movement, though. Automobile manufacturing and other related business’ employ over 770,000 people. It inhabits 1/5th of all German revenue. US manufacturers do big business over there as well.  General Motors sold 244,000 vehicles in Germany in 2015, while Ford is on track to sell 280,000 vehicles this year.

Emission-free vehicles could rise up to bring in more revenue than fossil fuel powered vehicles at some point in time. Regardless, emission free traveling is crucial for stopping the effects of global climate change. What do you think?