
Oncology Nurse Quits After 17 Years To Promote Natural Cancer Healing Therapies Instead (Video)

by in Health, Home, Natural Cures, Other, Video August 27, 2016

Generally, cancer diagnosis is seen as a death sentence and the grim outlook given by most doctors doesn’t usually make things any better. Usually, most patients submit to the advice of their doctors and undergo things like chemotherapy although it has been shown to actually make cancer tumors more malignant!

As you probably already know with the number of cancer-causing materials in out environment growing at a rapid rate things like GMOs and chemicals. Many people have decided to try out a more holistic approach to curing their cancer. But the question is which is the right way to go? have chemotherapy or try a more natural route? This is something lots of people struggle with each and every day.

After working in the conventional cancer industry for seventeen years oncology nurse Valerie Warwick decided to walk away. She had been troubled by the use of these debilitating and expensive procedures for far too long. In the interview below you will see Wark describe her experience including the times she had to watch families suffer from chemo and other things. You will be amazed at what she has to say when the video hits ’24:44′!