
Govt. Reports Flu Shots Are This Year’s Most Dangerous Vaccine Based On Injuries And Deaths

by in Health, Video August 24, 2016

As some of you may already be aware the Department of Justice issues a report on vaccine injuries and deaths every quarter to the Advisory Commission On Childhood Vaccines. There were 211 injuries and/or deaths reported from 5/16/2015 to 8/15/2015 alone.

Due to timing and such only 86 of these were listed. Three of those happened to be deaths that were legitimately linked to vaccines. One death linked to HPV shot and the other two linked to the Flu shot. 65 of the reports listed were for injuries related to the flu shot.

Most people aren’t aware that there is a vaccine court. 

The vaccine court has been around for quite some time now. Lots of citizens aren’t aware of it or the NVICP National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. You see if you or someone you know suffers some kind of harm or death due to a vaccine, you cannot actually sue the company/manufacturer of the vaccine. You have to sue the federal government and attempt to obtain compensation from the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund. This Trust fund is paid for by taxes that are put on vaccines themselves.

This is possible because congress has given the pharmaceutical companies immunity against lawsuits for injuries or deaths resulting in vaccines. They did this back in 1986. You see before this happened there were very large amounts of lawsuits out against pharmaceutical companies and these companies pretty much blackmailed the congress into granting them immunity. They stated that if they were not granted legal immunity they would stop producing the vaccines.

Are flu shots safe?

Flu shots are made by several different manufacturers.

  • Flucelvax
  • Fluvirin
  • Flublok
  • FluLaval
  • Fluzone

On each of these products, it is stated: “Safety and effectiveness has not been established pregnant women or nursing mothers.” As well as “….Has not been evaluated for carcinogenetic or mutagenic potential.” This doesn’t sound very good to me. Have you noticed what they say about the safety of children?

  • Flubok“Safety and effectiveness in children 3 years to less than 18 years of age have not been established.”
  • Flucelvax- “Safety and effectiveness have not been established in children less than 18 years of age.”
  • Afluria “Not approved for use in children less than 5 years of age.”

And the list goes on down every manufacturer, but what does this mean? It has not been proven to be effective or safe at all for anyone under the age of 18. It seems flu vaccines are a fraud altogether. Please watch Dr. Mark Geier’s video below for more information on this issue.