
She Refused Chemo and Chose To Receive Injections Of This Plant (Hint: It’s NOT Cannabis!)

by in Health, Natural Cures, Video August 17, 2016

Ivelisse Page developed colon cancer at the age of 37. As it turns out it is something that runs in her family and while she lived a healthy life was something she was unable to avoid.

After Ivelisse was diagnosed she had about fifteen inches of her colon removed and then later another twenty percent removed as well. After researching her disease and the treatment options she decided to completely refuse chemotherapy.

Ivelisse turned to homeopathic remedies and supplements as well as something that might sound a bit strange; mistletoe injections. This is a popular cancer treatment alternative in Europe. Just seven short years later she is completely cancer free and is very proud to say that she defeated stage IV colon cancer. Something that only eleven percent of diagnosed patients survive.

Mistletoe Injections

Some European countries cover this on their health insurances. The extract is not approved by the FDA but Ivelisse and her doctor are working to bring it into mainstream oncology in the United States. It seems mistletoe can be used for much more than hanging from the door frame to entice kissing. There are only fifty doctors in the United States that can prescribe these treatments. If you want to hear more about Ivelisse and her story please watch the video below.