
97% Of Terminal Cancer Patients Previously Had This Dental Procedure

by in Health August 5, 2016

Do you suffer from chronic degenerative disease? Are you aware that this issue’s root cause is most likely in your mouth?

There happens to be one dental procedure that all dentists consider safe which is actually nowhere near safe. Scientists have been warning people about this procedure for over one hundred years even! Yet, somehow every single day in the United States alone forty-one thousand of these dangerous procedures are done. These patients think that are permanently and safely solving their problems but as it turns out they are not. Which procedure am I talking about you ask? The root canal.

These patients think that are permanently and safely solving their problems but as it turns out they are not. Which procedure am I talking about you ask? The root canal. Over twenty-five million root canals are done in this country every single year. You see, teeth that have been root canaled are dead teeth that become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria. Bacteria that can in some conditions and cases make its way to your blood stream and cause many different serious medical conditions years down the road.

Over twenty-five million root canals are done in this country every single year. You see, teeth that have been root canaled are dead teeth that become silent incubators for highly toxic anaerobic bacteria. Bacteria that can in some conditions and cases make its way to your blood stream and cause many different serious medical conditions years down the road. As it turns out the majority of dentists performing this dangerous procedure are completely unaware of the risk being taken and the health issues they could be causing further down the road for their client.

The American Dental Association claims that this procedure is safe but have literally no evidence, published data, or research to prove their claim. A Dr. Weston A. Price did several studies on root canaled teeth as he had noticed something seemed to be going on and came to the conclusion that the root canaled teeth remain infectious even after they have been treated. He extracted a root canaled tooth from an elderly woman who was wheelchair bound and put the tooth inside a rabbit. While this sounds strange the rabbit just so happened to come down with the same crippling arthritis that caused the lady to be unable to walk. As it turns out the woman who no longer was being plagued by her toxic root canaled tooth was able to walk again. She didn’t even have to use a cane!

Dr. Price went on to do many more studies and research leading to the discovery and conclusion that root canaled teeth can cause many different types of chronic degenerative diseases. Another Doctor by the name of Dr. Meinig spent many months looking into Dr. Price’s research and  even went on to publish a book called root canal cover up, A book that is one of the most comprehensive references on the topic of root canals today.

How do root canals cause these diseases?

You see when these organisms that were once friendly become stressed for oxygen and deprived of nutrients they become mutated and turn into anaerobes that produce many different types of potent toxins. These can then get into your bloodstream and  turn things even worse.Once in your blood stream they pretty much take a transit ride through your body and set up camp wherever they’d like. This can cause you to have bone disease, kidney disease, heart disease, brain disease, lupus, ALS, MS, rheumatic disease, and arthritis.

What is a root canal?

A root canal is basically making a DEAD tooth look like it is still alive, and keeping it as a part of your body even though it is rotted and no longer living. This is the only procedure that allows us to keep a dead organism in our body. They remove the dead infected nerve and clean out the inside of the tooth. They then seal the tooth and it remains inside your mouth.

How can I avoid having a root canal done?

  • get partial dentures
  • get a bridge
  • get an implant

Do not get a root canal.