
Ditch Toxic Aspirin: 3 Drops of This Essential Oil Equals One Aspirin

by in DIY, Health, Natural Cures July 26, 2016

If you have been following our page for a while, then you already know that pharmaceuticals are bad for you. Ditch the aspirin, and use this instead!

Wintergreen oil is derived from the evergreen plant also known as Gaultheria procumbens. When distilled, the leaves of this plant produce an oil composed of 99% methyl salicylate, the same chemical compound that aspirin products are made from. The wintergreen and birch plants are the only plants in the entire world that contain this compound naturally. The pain relieving benefits provided by this oil are well known and documented. Native Americans used the plant to treat respiratory tract infections, treatment for toothaches and also as a rub to relieve rheumatism.

Unlike many treatments for pain, therapeutic grade Wintergreen oil has a cortisone-like effect which relieves pain quickly.

So how do you use this delightful oil correctly to reap the many benefits it has to offer?

One 15 ml bottle of Wintergreen oil= about 85 aspirin tablets, and about three drops is equal to one aspirin.

How to use:

  • Massaging 1-3 drops of Wintergreen Essential Oil onto swollen joints helps relieve swollen joints for those suffering from Arthritis.
  • Dilute 2 drops of Wintergreen with a carrier oil such as coconut oil or olive oil and apply the mixture to skin with acne before bed.
  • Diffusing wintergreen oil in your home improves mental alertness. It also doubles as a natural antidepressant or treatment for stress.
  • To relieve muscle pain and fatigue you can mix 20-30 drops with 100 ml of a carrier oil that you use to massage onto tired and achy muscles.
  • Massaging wintergreen oil onto your muscles along with exorcise has been shown to promote muscle growth.
  • As a treatment for stomach issues you can massage a few drops of Wintergreen oil on your tummy to relieve pain, reduce bloating and treat flatulence.
  • Apply a few drops to your temples for migraine relief.
  • Use to relieve painful menstrual cramps by rubbing a few drops on the area you feel the most pain.

This multi-purpose oil can be used for various medicinal and therapeutic purposes and has a long standing history of effective use. When using essential oils please use as directed only, and never ingest.