
13 Different Ways to Make Hummus

by in Food, Health July 15, 2016

I think that we can all agree on the fact that Hummus is delicious. It is smooth and creamy, but so hard to get just right when you make it at home.

Chickpeas are the main ingredient, they are an excellent source of protein and fiber, helping to keep you fuller for a longer period of time. They help aid in weight loss, they are full of B-vitamins, great for revving up your metabolism.

But aside from the health benefits, they have such a wonderful taste! Slightly nutty and sweet in flavor.

Hummus itself has amazing health benefits and it a wonderful cancer fighter, some studies even say that eating hummus could help cut cancer risk by 50% for breast, prostate, and Colon. Large population studies have shown that people eating the most legumes are 32% less likely to get cancer in general, 57% less likely to get colon cancer, and 45% less likely to get prostate cancer.

So whenever you are feeling puckish grab a can of chickpeas and make one of the following recipes, you will not be disappointed!
