
Pepsi Putting Aspartame Back into Diet Drinks 1yr After Removing Controversial Sweetener

by in Food, Health June 27, 2016

By now it should be no secret that aspartame is not a healthy substance, it does a lot of harm to the body and nothing good. Due to popular demand, the chemical was removed from PepsiCo Diet drinks, but one year later it is being added back in.

Pepsi removed the sweetener “in response to consumer demand” in April 2015 to appeal to customers who were concerned that aspartame carries health risks.

Unfortunately, some older consumers were reportedly unhappy about the change in flavor. Aspartame provides a taste that is around 200 times sweeter than sugar.

Therefore, despite the harmful side effects, Pepsi Max will be reintroduced to the United States market in September as Pepsi Zero Sugar and will contain aspartame.

“Consumers want choice in diet colas, so we’re refreshing our U.S. lineup to provide three options that meet differing needs and taste preferences,” a Pepsi representative said in a statement.

It is a sad truth that some people do not care about what they put in their bodies.