
Chicken-less Eggs to Become Reality!

by in Food April 14, 2016

That age old question comes to show its ugly head; which came first: the chicken or the egg? Fortunately, for plant based eaters the chicken has been taken out of the equation; amazing!

Clara Foods, a San Francisco based sustainable foods company, wants to cut back on the disease-spreading potential and harmful environmental impact of egg producing chickens all while harvesting the health benefits of eggs.

“Ultimately, protein is the most important macromolecule, one that provides a lot of nutrition and also less calories, and egg whites, in particular, are entirely protein-based. But [making them] is also the most resource intensive,” Arturo Elizondo, Clara Foods’ CEO

Yeast is used to create proteins similar to those found in chicken-produced egg whites:

“We asked ourselves, ‘Which are the ones for baking? Which foam the best? Which make the lightest meringues and angel food cakes? Which proteins are the best binders out there so you can make really sturdy gluten-free products,” Elizondo told Inverse.

The company is hoping to replace traditional eggs in pasta, baked goods, and protein supplements.

It is estimated that a single egg can take up to 53 gallons of water to produce, and according to the United Nations estimates, global demand for eggs is expected to swell to 38 million tons by 2030 more than double what it was in 2000. And, of course, the disgusting reputation for animal abuse in industrial egg farming operations.

But, all things considered, the lab-grown egg future is looking bright! Hopefully, soon we will not have to worry whether the chicken or the egg came first.