
Coconut Oil & Coffee Sugar Scrub Bars

by in Beauty April 1, 2016

In my opinion, nothing is better than, smooth, soft skin; but those expensive sugar scrubs you see in department stores and spas cost only pennies to make. Store bought personal care items can be filled with toxins, so why not make your own?

These sugar scrub bars are really wonderful! All you have to do is grab a bar before getting into the bath, it makes shower time much simpler because you do not have to worry about water getting into the tub or jar; plus it makes traveling really easy.

Sugar Scrub Bars

  • 1 Cup White or Turbinado Sugar
  • 15 Drops of Essential Oil any fragrance
  • ¼ Cup Brown Sugar
  • ½ Cup Coconut Oil
  • 1 Tsp Vanilla
  • 1 Tbsp Honey
  • 1 Tbsp Fresh Ground Coffee


Melt the oil over a low heat. Do not let it get too hot. If it does set it aside before adding your sugars; if it is too hot it will melt the sugar.

Mix the sugar and coffee together.

Add the vanilla, essential oil, honey, and coconut oil into your sugar.

Scoop the mixture into a pan and pop in it into the freezer for 20-30 minutes, after that time take them out and cut them into cubes/bars.

That’s it, you are DONE! I like to keep them in the fridge.