
Harvard Scientist Urges People to Stop Drinking “Low-Fat” Milk Immediately

by in Food, Health March 23, 2016

Could vegans be right after all? Harvard research specialists have started to argue that while raw, organic milk offers numerous health benefits, conventional milk and dairy may be compromising all of our health’s due health compromising sweeteners.

Almost every single piece of dietary advice given or found recommends low-fat milk or non-fat dairy, but a vastly growing number of health experts argue that it is healthier to eat and drink dairy products with full fat left in. The fat that is found in dairy is roughly 50-60% saturated fat, and everyone recommends that we avoid saturated fats at all costs, but this may not be the best way!

“…There is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of [coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease].”

“If only half of dairy fat is the saturated kind, what kind is the rest? Dairy fat contains lots of oleic acid (the stuff that makes olive oil so healthy), along with a type of fat called conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) that may help with weight loss. Recent studies strongly suggest that something — possibly the CLA — in dairy fat does indeed help with weight management.”

One of the biggest misconceptions sabotaging the diets of many American’s is the idea that we should only eat low-fat or non-fat food. Did you know that those are the worst choices for you? When the fat is taken out of the product something is added in to replace the fat usually extra sugars or chemicals. When dairy is involved, if you must consume it the best way is raw, organic, unpasteurized food.

Full-fat dairy has been shown, in some studies, to reduce the risk of diabetes, cancer, weight, and heart disease.

In one recent study conducted by Swedish researchers in the Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care, middle-aged men who consumed high-fat milk, butter, and cream were significantly less likely to become obese over a period of 12 years compared to the men who never indulged in full fat dairy products.

When the USDA recommends that you consume reduced fat milk, they are also encouraging the consumption of added sugars. It should go without saying that you should not consume sugar and sweetened beverages. All research points to that!

“The worst possible situation is reduced-fat chocolate milk: you take out the fat, it’s less tasty. So to get kids to drink 3 cups a day, you get this sugar-sweetened beverage,” Ludwig says. ”…we can get plenty of calcium from a whole range of foods. On a gram for gram basis, cooked kale has more calcium than milk. Sardines, nuts seeds beans, green leafy vegetables are all sources of calcium.”

Did you know that just one cup of 2 percent milk contains 12.3 grams of sugar that is more than a Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup, and almost as much as a chocolate chip cookie! One serving would put a child over the recommended sugar limit; two cups would reach a woman’s limit of 5 teaspoons, and three cups would take a man straight over the top.

A glass of low-fat milk also provides 122 calories, which too many would not sound like a lot, but what about the time you had you recommended three servings? That would have you at 366 calories that could have been consumed elsewhere (like a glass of fresh fruit juice).

While evolving, we did so on a diet free from milk, and the consumption of milk is completely unnecessary, a healthy diet that is balanced and full should provide you with adequate amounts of calcium through beans, nuts, and leafy greens.

Do not misunderstand me, there are plenty of reasons to avoid certain fats like trans-fats and refined polyunsaturated fats in such things as vegetable oils like corn, soy, sunflower, and canola, but the evidence for moderate consumption of saturated fats like coconut oil and organic raw whole-fat milk, is coming to the surface of things.

“there is no significant evidence for concluding that dietary saturated fat is associated with an increased risk of [coronary heart disease or cardiovascular disease].”

And it is also important to note that before you consume your conventional dairy; you might want to educate yourself on the hormones, chemicals, and antibiotics being added to it.
