
10 Reasons Why You Should Be Sleeping Naked

by in Health March 23, 2016

Studies show only 10% of people sleep in the nude, and this is surprising especially with all the wonderful benefits that come along with sleeping in the buff. If the thoughts of sleeping in the nude are not very appealing to you, here are seven reasons that will have you convinced!

1. People who sleep naked tend to have better relationships. Skin to skin contact releases oxytocin, the bonding hormone. Those pesky pajamas can get in the way of skin to skin contact, and we need oxytocin it elevates happiness, lowers stress and reduces blood pressure.

2.Sleeping naked reduces your risk of yeast infections. It allows your vaginal area to have a chance to air out; yeast grows in warm and moist conditions. When it is cool and dry, the growth is prevented.

3. You will have a healthier body wearing clothes at night keeps your body warmer, which prevents the growth hormone from being released. The growth hormone repairs your body!

The Growth hormone:

  • Promotes bone density
  • repairs tissue
  • builds muscle
  • lowers your risk of diabetes
  • lowers your risk of heart disease
  • promotes healthy weight
  • stimulates the growth of internal organs
  • stimulates the immune system

4. You will have better sex, Just think about it, with all that oxytocin going around, and you’re both naked already!

5. Our bodies need to cool at night; this decreases our levels of cortisol. If we do not get enough restful sleep, we wake up with high levels of cortisol. High levels of cortisol trigger your appetite and our tendencies to overeat. High Cortisol levels can disrupt our sleep patterns, increase belly fat, and lower libido.

6. Sleeping naked keeps you young! Keeping the temperature around 68-70 degrees allows the anti-aging hormones, melatonin and growth hormone,to function properly. I know being comfortable and cozy at bedtime is important to a lot of people, but a warm sleep environment can prevent the natural cooling process to take place in your body while you sleep.

7. It will give you a self-confidence boost! When you sleep naked, you will learn to be more comfortable with your body. When you learn to be comfortable with yourself, you will be more happy. Not to mention, if you are spending all that time naked you will more than likely want to look your best!

8. It is easier! You will not have to worry about coming home and scrounging around for pajamas, just strip and get comfortable! You also will not have to buy pajamas, and you will have fewer clothes to wash! It really is a win-win situation.

9. Sleeping naked will make you feel happier and freer. Just imagine a world where you are lying in bed naked, you don’t have to worry about pants, underwear, or the dreaded bra! You you and your body sandwiched between two cool sheets!

10. It can help your skin! Your skin will finally get a breather! Your private parts, armpits, and feet are all day restricted and covered by many layers of clothing, even in hot weather. Give your body a chance to air out and breathe. This means a lowered risk for skin diseases like athlete’s foot, that result from wet, restricted skin!

These are the wonderful benefits of sleeping naked. So, ditch the Pajamas and enjoy this empowering nightly freedom. You will feel better, look better, and have a great relationship with your partner.