
How to Detox Your Armpits and Why You Need To

by in Health, Natural Cures February 26, 2016

Often when we think of detox, we thinking about detoxing the body as a whole; but with breast cancer numbers rising armpit detoxing is absolutely necessary. Everyday when you wake up what do you do?

The first thing I do is brush my teeth, take a shower, and then put on ANTIPERSPIRANT. But, the fact is antiperspirant is filled with nasty chemicals such as; parabens, propylene glycol, triclosan, aluminum chlorohydrate, TEA, DEA, FD&C colors, and quaternium 18, as well as many more. Many of these chemicals increase the risk of breast cancer by mimicking estrogen.

“Parabens are used as preservatives in thousands of cosmetic, food, and pharmaceutical products, but this is the first study to show their accumulation in human tissues. It demonstrates that if people are exposed to these chemicals, then the chemicals will accumulate in their bodies.”– claims Dr. Darbre.

Under the armpit is a prime spot where chemicals can easily be absorbed into the blood stream, and on top of that there are lymph nodes in your armpits and around the neck. The lymph nodes play an important role in fighting off diseases when we jam them full of chemicals it causes a hormonal imbalance that can impact your immune response in a big way.

After many years of constant use of deodorants, perfumes, and antiperspirants there is quite a bit of backlog. This is where the detox comes in to play. It will help pull out the chemicals stuck in the skin and tissue of the armpits, and it will prevent an uncomfortable reaction that often play hand in hand with the switch to a more neutral deodorant.

Remember sweating is a perfectly normal, and important function of the body. It is extremely important to keep the pores of your body unclogged. Use this armpit detox to assist your body in the unclogging of the pores, and pull out the stored toxins.

Armpit Detox:

6 drops Rosemary essential oil
2 Tbsp Organic Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbsp Bentonite Clay
10 Drops Cilantro essential oil


In a GLASS bowl, mix the clay with the vinegar and then add in the essential oil.

How to Use:

Spread a thin layer of the prepared mixture on your armpit and leave it for 5 minutes. Then, rinse it well.

You should repeat on a daily basis until body odor subsides and your natural deodorant is no longer irritating.

It is also important to drink plenty of water during this detoxifying procedure.