This Powerful Homemade Tea Cures Swollen Legs in Few Days
It seems as if we all know someone who suffers from leg swelling. Leg swelling can be caused by numerous things such as sitting or standing for long periods of time or being overweight. But, there is a natural cure for leg swelling and it is an easy do-it-yourself.
There are medications that can cause swelling of the legs such as certain steroids, Estrogen, Testosterone, some anti-depressants, or even drugs like ibuprofen or aspirin. If you suffer from swollen legs it can also help to elevate your legs while lying down. The legs should be above the heart supported by something like throw pillows. If that doesn’t solve your issue, I suggest this powerful tea. It can solve your swelling legs in days.
The primary ingredient in the tea is Parsley. Parsley is high in iron, rich in vitamins A, B, C and trace minerals. The parsley leaf can be used in a tea as a diuretic to rid the body of excess water. It is known to help Gout and Rheumatism. Parsley also has a pretty good taste too!
- Add five tablespoons of freshly and finely chopped parsley leaves and root to 500ml of boiled water.
- Boil for five more minutes
- Let cool for 20 minutes
- Strain
Consume the tea 3 times per day and the swelling of your legs should disappear in days. Parsley is amazing for your health and you can expect more from the tea than just the solution to leg pain! It is loaded with potassium which increases good cardiovascular health.